

My strong suit is character animation and storyboarding, I have a strong grasp of the fundamental principles of animation and I can convey a great deal of expression through my key poses.

I am something of a perfectionist so I’m always able to make numerous revisions and I make sure to clarify all the smallest details when working with people.

My personal passion project is a video game series called FIL, which I started with my friend Kyle Novak when we were in high school. We published the first entry in the series to Steam in 2020 and have made numerous smaller spinoffs since then.

I have an indominable, interminable desire to draw silly dudes doing funny things and it fuels my every waking moment.

2D Animator

Hey, I’m Carter Martin and I hope you’re enjoying my portfolio site. I’m a 2D animator with experience in short films, animated shows, and video games.